Week 6 Posting – Windows 10

Windows 10 is done, time to let it go, free yourself and upgrade to Windows 11 already if you’re not. I’d end the post here but there wouldn’t be any content to support anything I’ve experienced or have to say. Since Steve Balmer stood up and said, “We will all take whatever we give them because they are Microsoft and there is nothing, we as consumers can do about it.” Which led to his firing and Windows becoming essentially free. There was another announcement made that Windows would be merging to have a Linux based backbone and be open to the Open Source community to work on and make better. Immediately, I signed up to help out with the Windows 10 dev and testing, installed Windows 10 on my desktop that had 3 monitors and 1 TV that caused immediate problems. Gathering all the model numbers and supported software drivers and version numbers along with a very descriptive narrative to the issue, in 3 days Microsoft had released a patch to fix the issue and all 4 monitors worked! I was thrilled and felt I made an awesome contribution to the Windows community.

Being around and hearing all the complaints about Windows 10 and its compatibility with gaming and content creation based software, Windows 11 would have big shoes to fill. Windows 11, because of this has had a horrible reputation of just not being able to cut it. I personally think its just because people are looking at the start menu in the middle of the taskbar and not on the left. This can be changed in the Taskbar settings but it is not advertised. This level of visual disturbance to individuals that don’t want change can ruin everything and make it seem like a bad experience.

Having upgraded to Windows 11 from its start, there were a few hiccups but never had I had any kind of issues and am completely happy with Windows 11. Maybe it has to do with software being installed as I try and stick to Microsoft only programs before venturing out into the world where people’s opinions and other forums declare better software that does the same thing as its Microsoft variant. In the end, Windows 10 needs to go, its done, stop holding on to it like XP or 7, both fantastic Operating Systems that had their day and came with great easter eggs in the DVD’s. If there is one thing that needs to be returned Microsoft, its Weezer to your Distro releases!


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