Week 1 Posting – Intel Observations

Intel has been making moves over the past few years that have interested me enough to keep an eye on them. Hearing rumors about 10 years ago about how Intel wanted to get away from consumer products and go all business and cloud it looks like we are really seeing that transition happen today. Knowing that Intel got back into consumer products because of AMD’s pricing after their notorious lawsuit had settled regarding Intel’s monopoly, it looks like Intel is finally transitioning back out of consumer products.  

An interesting note is the progression of the cloud as well and makes me wonder if Intel knew this was going to happen and left “consumer products” to AMD affectively giving them “the scraps”. With Intel being in on the business side, they are powering the servers that run the Cloud and soon, the CPU’s within the NVidia GPU’s that are built to power AI servers within the Cloud. Intel has also found themselves in a Government contract with the US that will put them in a position to develop and produce about 75% of the worlds silicon, a contract that was announced by prior President Trump. Reviewing the Intel website, their NUC line has recently been sold to ASUS and I mean everything NUC to include the website which was seemingly their last consumer product. 

The “i” series of CPU’s will still be available to purchase by consumers but what people don’t really know is that the first release of the i9 Intel took a Xeon CPU and made it the i9 with the intent of making all “i” series CPU’s from the Xeon series to compete with the cores of an AMD CPU that was being demanded by the general public. This is very exciting as this has founded the “P” core (performance core) and the “E” core (efficiency core) while reducing the die size down to 7nm. This has transferred over to the Scalable series of Xeon CPU’s and dramatically increasing the power and capability of those CPU’s in the Cloud and AI.  

It doesn’t seem like it, but technology today is progressing so much faster and with the development of AI, it is being used to aid in the progression to make it move even faster! What an awesome time! 


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