Week 4 Posting – Network Troubleshooting Tools

A quick bunch of tools that are now in my “tool box” to help with figuring out what might be wrong with a network.

  1. Ping: tests connectivity between devices on a network.
  2. Traceroute: tracks the path data takes to reach its destination
  3. Ipconfig/ifconfig: displays network configuration details on Windows/Linux systems
  4. Nslookup: queries DNS to obtain domain name or IP address mapping
  5. Netstat: displays network connections, routing tables and interface statistics
  6. Wireshark: captures and analyzes network traffic
  7. Nmap: scans networks for open ports and services
  8. Tcpdump: captures and analyzes network packets on Unix-like systems
  9. Pathping: combines ping and traceroute to identify network issues
  10. Mtr (My Traceroute): provides continuous network path analysis

Seems like a few of these tools I already knew about and look forward to playing around with for sure.


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